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How it Works

The whole process is divided into four stages

Amazing 50
Elite 8
D- Day

All candidates need to register through Apply Now button.

Select your best five designs.

Convert them into Garments and take photo graphs of those designs on a live model or mannequin from both front and back poses.

Upload Front and Back Pose pictures of your designs, duly verified by head of department of your institute.

You will get a registration number, keep it safe and quote in case of further correspondence.

Fee - Hard work and Determination.

  • Upload Photos of Your Designed Garments and Register Yourself.
  • Keep a check at Results Tab.
Amazing 50
  • Amazing 50 Will be chosen from the participants
  • Selection would be based on Design Idea.
  • Context Corelation with Society and
  • Time Novelty Acceptance
Elite 8
  • Elite 8 will be chosen out of Amazing 50
  • Selection would be based on Amalgamation Potential with Brands
  • Commercial Viability Quotient Growth and Sustainability Prospects
D- Day
  • Raw materials and resources will be provided to Elite 8
  • Final Battleground will be Runway and weapons will be designed collections
  • Celebs and Renowned will act as Jury
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